Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
As a state owned company with line of business in Construction Industry, Waskita has participated in a wide variety of construction activities since year 1960, carrying out big scale and monumental projects all over Indonesia.
From year of 2006 afterwards, the Company has developed its market segments reaching overseas by opening branch offices in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Jeddah, acquiring and executing several high rise building projects over there.
Waskita has even received a trade license from Dubai Authorities and its qualification has been recognized with a status of unlimited grade allowing the Company to provide construction services to build high rise building projects in the country with unlimited height.
Corresponding to its vision to be one of outstanding companies in Construction Industry and having a mission in advancing its value through construction products and services with high Quality and Competitiveness, the company has continuously made improvements and changes in order to adapt itself to its business environment by implementing consistently the principle of Good Corporate Governance.
Business development has been regularly performed by providing service like Toll Road Investment, Construction of Buildings, Infrastructure, Civil Works, EPC, and Mining Projects. The Company has been highly concerned with human resources development, healthy, safety, environment, and quality in performing its business operation.
Through its motto: Onward through quality performance, we have committed to make a progress and grow as a leading distinguished service provider company in Construction Industry.
We believe, with all of the advantages, experiences, and resources we have, Waskita is ready to greet a brighter future. Amin.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
President Director
Muhammad Hanugroho